Niklaas's Notebook

Compiling Vim with modern features

I prefer the most updated version of vim these days. First, you must make sure that you have installed the required dependencies for building.

$ apt install \
    libx11-dev \

If you want support for lua you need to link to some library files in /usr/include.

# Fix lua paths
$ ln -s /usr/include/lua5.3 /usr/include/lua
$ ln -s /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ /usr/local/lib/

Finally, configure the build process. Enabling the following features is just an example. Personally, I use vim on the command line only, nonetheless, it makes sense to configure --with-x to have access to the system clipboards in vim's registers "* and "+. Further, --enable-fail-if-missing is recommended if you want to notice missing dependencies that are required for the provided configuration.

$ ./configure \
    --enable-pythoninterp \
    --enable-python3interp \
    --enable-luainterp \
    --with-features=huge \
    --with-x \

Depending on your system, the dependencies listed at the top of this post are not sufficient. Most probably you must install other libraries and restart the configuration. If that is the case (or if you change the arguments of ./configure) remember to run the following command. This will clean the cached results of the configuration run previously.

$ make distclean

When configuring the built process was successful, you can start the built process and install the compiled files.

$ make
$ make install

You can double-check whether the version you compiled includes all features with vim --version. This will return the version and a list of compiled features.

If you want to compile from source again, first, run the following command to clean the build directory.

$ make clean

To remove the compiled files from /usr and others run make uninstall.